Apple Shooter Game in Excel

Apple Shooter Game in Excel

There are many ways to make our work hours more interesting. And one of the many ways is to play games at work.

Here is Apple Shooter Game which can be played in Excel so that you do not have to worry about installations.

Download the game here.

Easily Excel at Shooting! :)

Check our other games here.

Start a New Line within the Same Cell

Do you get stuck when it comes to writing multiple lines of data in a single cell?

You can use Alt + Enter to start a fresh new line within the same cell.

Easily Excel at writing multiple lines in the same cell! 

Find the Frequency of Text in the Sheet

Want to count how many times does a particular text appear in your sheet?

1)Select the cell where the text is located

2)Press Ctrl + C (Copy) and then leave C and press F (Find) and then leave F and press V (Paste) - Do all this while Ctrl is pressed

Select and Format the Blank Cells

How do you select all the blank cells in the selected range?

1) Select the range of cells and press F5

2) Click on 'Special', click 'Blanks' and click OK

Excel Games - Tic Tac Toe

Here is a free Tic Tac Toe game that can be played in Excel. Download it, play it, enjoy it and share it!

Shortcuts - Today's Date

Do you need to enter today's date on a daily basis in excel? 

You can use the shortcut CTRL+; and today's date will automatically appear in the selected cell. 

You can also use the formula =TODAY()

Easily Excel at dating your sheet :)

Shortcuts - Current Date and Time

You can enter the current time in your Excel sheet by using the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+:

You can use the formula =NOW() to enter the current date and time in a single cell

Happy Easily Excelling! :)

Shortcuts - Find All Shortcuts

Tired of remembering all the shortcuts in Excel?

Here is an easy way to find out all the shortcuts in a few seconds:

1) In the Excel sheet, hit the F1 key to open the Excel Help window.
Easily Excel at finding shortcuts!

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Concatenate Function

The name of the function does sound long and technical, however, it is one of the easiest functions to use in Excel.

Concatenate is useful when you want to join or 'string' together two or more pieces of text. What this means is that you can merge the content of two or more cells into one cell using the Concatenate function.

Try using this function in the practice file here.

There are two ways to use this function:

1) =concatenate(Cell1,Cell2,…)