Quick Formatting and Beautification

Easily Excel at Quick Formatting and Beautification

Download the practice file here.

Delete the sheets which do not have any data in it. By default, Excel includes three sheets for each workbook. The remove the ones that do not have any data.

In the view menu, in the ‘Show’ panel, uncheck the option of gridlines. This makes the sheet look neater and adds elegance to the sheet.

Color the background of the cells across the sheet according to the theme that you are using (for your company or organisation). You can do this by selecting the cells that need to be colored and changing the color by going on the ‘Home’ menu and selecting the paint bucket in the ‘Font’panel.

Change the color of the text too in order to bring it in alignment with the theme. To do this, select the font color option on the ‘Font’ panel form the ‘Home’ menu.

Use the F4 key while formatting to repeat the last action. For example, if you colored a particular cell as orange and next you want to color another cell orange, you can select the next cell and hit F4. It can be used not only for formatting but for any action.

Learn how to use Text Boxes to make your Excel sheet look elegant and neat here

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